Sunday, 24 November 2013

Perspective and the bitch called Karma

With age changes perspective and the advent of such change are those turning points of life which ultimately decide the course of one’s life. The image of life being a huge sugar gilded jujube takes a toss as random occurrences lifts the sheer veil off the imagery and reveals unto us the chess like game of life. You have your own army, your own accepted wisdom and most importantly your set of laws to guide you through to usurp and overthrow the power of your opponents, those inner and outer demons you constantly battle day in and out in every walk of your life.

They say life is a constant battle between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, the virtue and the vice. And the sum total of all the choices we make defines the person we are. But why paint such a monochromatic picture when there are a thousand more colours to be explored in between? What was taught to us as the ultimate truth, unquestionable and rational enough to be truly believed may not be so. As the cliché goes there’s more than that meets the eye. Over the time as the circumstances change, so does change our perspectives. What seemed right and noble sometime ago may not truly be so. And what might seem like wrong might have underlying reasons for not complying with the society laid norms. What exactly matters is the perspective. Experiences, both good and bad, are in fact the necessary lessons learnt by man in the due course of his journey of life which decides in what projected light a man finally sees the picture. Often as happens to be the case it never pays to be judgemental. The picture is too big to be comprehended in only one angle.

But in no circumstances does man become competent enough to earn the licence to inflict upon another man pain, either mental or physical. You cannot be partaking of another man’s curse every living day of your life. What is done in pure innocence is forgivable as a mistake but a repetition fosters your position in the tight spot. The point is rationalisation. It is about justification. It is about the balance of the scales. The conclusive justification of your actions might actually not make you the wrong doer. Question arises- Does a change of perspective help here? Well not really. A change of perspective will give you points enough to prove your end of the story but who said the good would turn to bad and vice-versa?  The black don the garb of white?  All that will come of it is the ability to balance those colours in between logically enough to appeal to the greater senses. But at the end of the day it is that tiny voice, deep seated in some abject corner of the brain ringing constantly in keeping with our actions, which reveals unto us the truth way before the world judges it, way before we ourselves come to a meticulous conclusion about our actions. In a way it is always about karma and somebody long ago called her a bitch!!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The allegory of nothingness....

Like the scent of a distant unseen blossom, it drifts in the midnight air, crude yet hypnotizing, doubtful yet substantial. You tend not to question its existence for you know your senses may give away in the quest for an answer. You live in its bounty asking not its presence but basking in its omnipresent sheen. For a fraction of a moment doubt does tend to cloud your senses but too long have you submitted to the clutches of this venomous serpent and yes it was by choice. You want, for a change, to break free from the shackles that had been trying to protect you from a fall. The soul within yearns to fly this time and think not of the consequences-overcoming fear, regaling in the thrill you've been abandoning for so long for the fear of falling over the precipice and being failed by the ones you trusted. But no longer. You throw caution to the winds, spread your wings, as the sweet nothing beckons and pursue it zealously. Life gives you a satisfactory smile because for once you've learnt to live life in "today" and not "tomorrow".