Wednesday, 4 September 2013

The allegory of nothingness....

Like the scent of a distant unseen blossom, it drifts in the midnight air, crude yet hypnotizing, doubtful yet substantial. You tend not to question its existence for you know your senses may give away in the quest for an answer. You live in its bounty asking not its presence but basking in its omnipresent sheen. For a fraction of a moment doubt does tend to cloud your senses but too long have you submitted to the clutches of this venomous serpent and yes it was by choice. You want, for a change, to break free from the shackles that had been trying to protect you from a fall. The soul within yearns to fly this time and think not of the consequences-overcoming fear, regaling in the thrill you've been abandoning for so long for the fear of falling over the precipice and being failed by the ones you trusted. But no longer. You throw caution to the winds, spread your wings, as the sweet nothing beckons and pursue it zealously. Life gives you a satisfactory smile because for once you've learnt to live life in "today" and not "tomorrow".